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Shows the databend's system settings.

You can change it by set command, like set max_threads = 1.




| name | value | default | level | description | type |
| collation | binary | binary | SESSION | Char collation, support "binary" "utf8" default value: binary | String |
| enable_async_insert | 0 | 0 | SESSION | Whether the client open async insert mode, default value: 0. | UInt64 |
| enable_cbo | 1 | 1 | SESSION | If enable cost based optimization, default value: 1. | UInt64 |
| enable_distributed_eval_index | 1 | 1 | SESSION | If enable distributed eval index, default value: 1 | UInt64 |
| enable_new_processor_framework | 1 | 1 | SESSION | Enable new processor framework if value != 0, default value: 1. | UInt64 |
| enable_planner_v2 | 1 | 1 | SESSION | Enable planner v2 by setting this variable to 1, default value: 1. | UInt64 |
| flight_client_timeout | 60 | 60 | SESSION | Max duration the flight client request is allowed to take in seconds. By default, it is 60 seconds. | UInt64 |
| format_compression | None | None | SESSION | Format compression, default value: "None". | String |
| format_empty_as_default | 1 | 1 | SESSION | Format empty_as_default, default value: 1. | UInt64 |
| format_escape | | | SESSION | format escape char, default value: "", which means the format`s default setting. | String |
| format_field_delimiter | | | SESSION | Format field delimiter, default value is "": use default of the format. | String |
| format_quote | | | SESSION | The quote char for format. default value is "": use default of the format. | String |
| format_record_delimiter | | | SESSION | Format record_delimiter, default value is "": use default of the format. | String |
| format_skip_header | 0 | 0 | SESSION | Whether to skip the input header, default value: 0. | UInt64 |
| group_by_two_level_threshold | 10000 | 10000 | SESSION | The threshold of keys to open two-level aggregation, default value: 10000. | UInt64 |
| input_read_buffer_size | 1048576 | 1048576 | SESSION | The size of buffer in bytes for input with format. By default, it is 1MB. | UInt64 |
| insert_values_enable_expression | 1 | 1 | GLOBAL | Whether to enable expression when inserting values, if your values do not have expressions please disable this setting to improve write performance, default value: 1. | UInt64 |
| load_file_metadata_expire_hours | 168 | 168 | SESSION | How many hours will the COPY file metadata expired in the metasrv, default value: 24*7=7days | UInt64 |
| max_block_size | 65536 | 65536 | SESSION | Maximum block size for reading, default value: 65536. | UInt64 |
| max_execute_time | 0 | 0 | SESSION | The maximum query execution time. it means no limit if the value is zero. default value: 0. | UInt64 |
| max_memory_usage | 26771259392 | 26771259392 | SESSION | The maximum memory usage for processing single query, in bytes. By default the value is determined automatically. | UInt64 |
| max_storage_io_requests | 64 | 64 | SESSION | The maximum number of concurrent IO requests. By default, it is 64. | UInt64 |
| max_threads | 24 | 24 | SESSION | The maximum number of threads to execute the request. By default the value is determined automatically. | UInt64 |
| prefer_broadcast_join | 0 | 0 | SESSION | If enable broadcast join, default value: 0 | UInt64 |
| quoted_ident_case_sensitive | 1 | 1 | SESSION | Case sensitivity of quoted identifiers, default value: 1 (aka case-sensitive). | UInt64 |
| row_tag | row | row | SESSION | In xml format, this field is represented as a row tag, e.g. <row>...</row>. | String |
| sql_dialect | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL | SESSION | SQL dialect, support "PostgreSQL" "MySQL" and "Hive", default value: "PostgreSQL". | String |
| storage_read_buffer_size | 1048576 | 1048576 | SESSION | The size of buffer in bytes for buffered reader of dal. By default, it is 1MB. | UInt64 |
| timezone | UTC | UTC | SESSION | Timezone, default value: "UTC". | String |
| unquoted_ident_case_sensitive | 0 | 0 | SESSION | Case sensitivity of unquoted identifiers, default value: 0 (aka case-insensitive). | UInt64 |
| wait_for_async_insert | 1 | 1 | SESSION | Whether the client wait for the reply of async insert, default value: 1. | UInt64 |
| wait_for_async_insert_timeout | 100 | 100 | SESSION | The timeout in seconds for waiting for processing of async insert, default value: 100. | UInt64 |